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When I got to work on the digital planners this year I wanted to create something more customizable. Making the planner un-dated means you can start right where you are without feeling like you’ve missed anything. I also wanted them to feel more like a digital book of shadows, so you’ll find tarot, herbal, astrology, moon, and spell/ritual trackers along with daily planning pages. Like the Lunar Planner that came before this, you’ll find rituals, spells, meditations, and journal prompts for the wheel of the year holidays, zodiacal signs, and new/full moons. There’s a little of everything here for you and I hope you find the pages can help guide you on your journey.


Digital Planners are in PDF form and will open up for you in DropBox. If you have any issues with the download please contact me for assistance. Altogether you'll receive 61 pages of content. The Images are only a small preview of what's included in the planner. The Images are only a small preview of what's included in the planner, the preview includes a watermark to protect my work.

Whimsical Digital Planner Green

$10.00Price   © 2022

    Photography Credits:

    Tarot in Hand: Wren Hartman @atypicalfocus   -    Smoke Cleansing & Moon Dance: Rachel Coutant @Impassionedart

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